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Serra Mesa Little League

Playing Divisions

Serra Mesa Little League offers the following age based divisions. A player’s age is determined by the age s/he will be on or before August 31 in the calendar year of the spring season.  This is called the “league age.” See the 2025 Little League Age Chart

For Fall Ball, we use the league age of the coming Spring Season. Think of it as "Spring Training" to give players practice at the level they will be playing in the coming Spring Season.

At registration your player will be registered according to their league age division as described below. We want your player to have fun and succeed, so the division of play is adjustable depending on skill and/or experience. Players desiring to stay an extra year in a lower division or try out for a higher division MUST attend both divisions' assessments. This allows our coaching team to determine the best fit. All players are subject to limited spaces available. There are no guarantees of placement for requests. Please email [email protected] with any division questions or requests.


Tee Ball
·Entry level division for players, ages 4-5.
·Games are 3 innings (usually around 1 hour).
·Every player bats off the tee and runs the bases each inning. Coach pitch may be introduced as players are ready.
·No outs or runs are tracked.

·Designed for 5-7 year old players who have played a season of Tee Ball or will be transitioning to Caps the following year.
·Introduces live pitching, defensive outs, scoring runs.
·Games are 1hr 15 mins to 1hr 30mins (usually 4 innings).
·Coach pitch.
·Batters hit in order through the lineup each inning until 3 outs are recorded or run limit is reached.
·No official score is recorded (but the players still love to keep count!)
·Rookies is only available for the Spring season (not Fall Ball).

·7-8 year olds.
·First level that requires players to attend assessments in January to evaluate players skills and assign to teams.
·Games are 1 hr 30min to 1hr 45min (usually 4-6 innings).
·Mostly machine pitch with introduction to  player pitch in the second half of the Spring season.
·Score is recorded.

·9-10 year olds.
·Assessments required in January to evaluate players skills and assign to teams.
·Games are usually 6 innings (2 hour time limit).
·Player pitch.
·Score is recorded.

·11-12 year olds.
·Assessments required in January to evaluate players skills and assign to teams.
·Games are usually 6 innings (2 hour time limit).
·Player pitch.
·Score is recorded.
·May participate in tournament play during the season.

·13-14 year olds.
·Assessments required in January to evaluate players skills and assign to teams.
·Games are usually 7 innings (2 hour time limit).
·Player pitch.
·Score is recorded.
·May participate in tournament play during the season.


Serra Mesa Little League

8308 Hurlbut St 
San Diego, California 92123
Email : [email protected]
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